Thursday, October 29, 2009

The rehearsal room

We’ve been busy lately. And even better: we have lots footage of that. On this video, I am working on new stuff with Schidde in our rehearsal room above the legendary Twilight in Ostend. The video features two demo snippets from the forthcoming album "Hotel Existence".

Expect more footage of me working in the studio or checking out sounds with the boys in the rehearsal room. By dropping videos, we will reveal new sounds and demos. So stay tuned – stay ‘konnekted’.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Demo preview - Yesteryears

Preview - Yesteryears DEMO v.1.0
Instead of just dropping an audio preview, we thought a video is much more fun. This is a DEMO of Yesteryears. A first snippet and preview of the forthcoming album 'Hotel Existence'.

Friday, October 9, 2009

A chance to live inside your dreams

NATHAN: The inner refuge, Harry. The place a man goes to when life in the real world is no longer possible.

HARRY: Oh. I used to have one of those. I thought everyone did.

TOM: Not necessarily. It takes a good imagination, and how many people have that?

HARRY: (closing his eyes; pressing his forefingers against his temples): It's all coming back to me now. The Hotel Existence. I was just ten years old, but I can still remember the exact moment when the idea occurred to me, the exact moment when I found the name. It was a Sunday afternoon during the war. The radio was on, and I was sitting in the living room of our house in Buffalo with a copy of Life magazine, looking at pictures of the American troops in France. I had never been inside a hotel, but I had walked past enough of them on my trips downtown with my mother to know that they were special places, fortresses that protected you from the squalor and meanness of everyday life. I loved the men in the blue uniforms who stood in front of the Remington Arms. I loved the sheen of the brass fittings on the revolving doors at the Excelsior. I loved the immense chandelier that hung in the lobby of the Ritz. The sole purpose of a hotel was to make you happy and comfortable, and once you signed the register and went upstairs to your room, all you had to do was ask for something and it was yours. A hotel represented the promise of a better world, a place that was more than just a place, but an opportunity, a chance to live inside your dreams.

From The Brooklyn Follies by Paul Auster

Congrats to CC who awaits a copy of 'Hotel Existence' once it’s ready...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hotel Existence

Okay folks, while I’ve been filling these pages mainly with nonsense and side news for a while now, I think it’s about time to reveal some real news.
Yes, I am working on a new album and that album will most probably find its way into the annals of time as ‘Hotel Existence’. But hush hush, don’t tell anyone yet!
Btw, does anyone have a clue where the title comes from or what it refers to?
Hmmm, maybe this could be a nice way to reward those who actually read these blogs on So the first one who posts a reaction on with (let’s be fair) the right answer will get a free copy of ‘Hotel existence’.
Once it’s ready of course. And only God knows when that’s going to be.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Willy Wonka

How would Diskonnekted look like, seen through the eyes of Willy Wonka?
Probably a bit like this: the birthday cake my mother-in-law made me two weeks ago. I especially like the outfit Schidde is wearing!