A year came to an end. Apart from the obligatory alcohol overdose and firework finger burns I feel obliged to post something to conclude the year with and celebrate the entrance of a new one.
What happened?
Not that much you might think, but we’ve been quite busy behind the scenes. The rehearsal room was a new thing for example: unhealthy but satisfying. It helped us invent some killer guitar sounds and grooves.
And there were also the blueprints for lots of new tracks: loved them, hated them, cursed them, rediscovered them, reworked them… well, you know the story. Who said making music was fun?
So what’s next?
A major upgrade of the studio to start with. An update on the software front, and a major update for the hardware. This should help me finish the ideas more quickly in a comfortable way.
Can’t wait to start on some final mixes that are already breeding in my head for months now.
Musically we will try to leave the conventional ‘electro/ebm’ path, exploring a new cross over between alternative underground dance styles.
Thematically we will wine about our long lost youth and the finiteness of life in general.
But don’t worry: the ‘Hotel Existence’ is a place for shelter. See you there, somewhere.
Stay tuned - stay 'konnekted'.
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